向東走,來到土耳其。To the east, Turkey.










Istanbul分為亞洲區和歐洲區,在Eminönü港口,可以搭船遊河,觀賞河兩岸的不同風景。 Istanbul有世界上相當古老的清真寺。那些壯麗的清真寺,美的令人難忘,因為回教中不可以立神像,因此他們將字的藝術大大發揮,清真寺內有許多引自可蘭經內文的句子,用在建築中,令人感受到回教徒對於阿拉的虔誠信仰。







回教徒真的每日要拜五次嗎? 這個疑問當我第一次造訪回教國家時,就一直縈繞心中。而隨著我認識越多回教徒後,我才明白其實每個宗教都一樣,有人虔誠,有人還好。就像不是每個基督徒都常常上教堂,不是每個道教徒都知道何時該拜拜。在清真寺工作的志工告訴我,因為現代的工作型態,人們可以延遲祈禱的時間;我的朋友s則告訴我,回教徒們可以用自己的方式去信仰自己的宗教。也因此,我會看見許多不同行為的回教徒,像是有的戴頭巾,有的選擇不戴,有的只戴頭巾,有的則是整個包起來,只露出眼睛和手。









September 3 rd .2014
It was the day that I left Europe and went to Turkey after almost one year trip in Europe.I took the flight from Athens to Istanbul. And I found many backpackers choose the similar route like me. Because I met the same travelers when I stayed at the hostel in Santorini ,Athens and even Turkey. And I felt so happy to meet these friends again and again.

But when I just arrived at SAW airport in Istanbul, I found my suitcase was destroyed during the transport. This situation made me depressed for a while. However, I knew everything could happen during the backpacker adventure, no matter bad things or good things. As a result, I decided to take it easy and try my best to bring the worn suitcase to the hostel.

tall buildings and great mansions vs. old mosques

Before I visited Istanbul,in my imagination it is the very historic city. However, it is much modern than I think.
There are very international airports, lots of tall buildings and great mansions, convenient traffic and so on. In fact,  it looks so similar like the Asian modern cities. But it also keeps the very historic part, such as the mosques, palace,and the way people live. For example, the costume. I saw many Turkish ladies wearing the long skirt and burka , and the men wears the tradition long clothes. But compared to Marrakesh in Morocco, most people in Istanbul wear in more modern way like the west.

Istanbul is a beautiful city that combines the old historic part and the modern part. And from Eminönü, tourists can join the ferry tour to see the both different parts of Istanbul.

One thing you must do in Istanbul is to visit the mosques here.

It is because there are very old mosques here, like Blue mosque. Visitors can wear burka, and sit in the beautiful and soft carpet watching people practice their religion.They use lots of Arabic writing to decorate inside without any idol. And the gorgeous light shaped like the flower hang on from the very high ceiling.
For me, the mosques in Istanbul are the great art.

The second thing I like to do in Istanbul is to take a rest like the local.
I like sitting on the bench in front of the mosque when I feel tired.
I will buy an ekmek (bread) from the vendors and one Çay (black tea) with two sugars from the tea sellers, and then enjoy my Turkish tea time.

I sat surrounded with women who wear burka. We observed the street together,such as the little beggars on the street, the jewelry sellers, and the men who ask if someone want to refresh their shoes.Sometimes I feel like the local if the men did not look at me in a strange sight.:P

Like the temple in Taiwan, mosques are not only the place for praying, but also for socializing and shopping.As a result, there are markets and vendors outside the mosques just like the night markets outside the temple.

The third thing is about the sound for reminding people it is the time for worship. At the beginning ,every time I heard that sound, I will stand on the street to search for if people is going to pray. I imagined that they open their carpet, and face to the direction of Mecca to pray. But in the end, I found people still live their lives. Sellers worked in their shops. Drivers sat on their cars. Istanbul did not became a quiet city, but still full of lots of noise.

Do the Muslim have to pray for 5 times a day? I started to be confused about this idea. However, after I met more Turkish friends, they shared with me about their lives, Muslim religion, and Turkish culture. Those information broke my stereotype I had before. And make me realize this city in a new way.

Dinner in the park

I was sick of allergic when I just arrived in Turkey. So I had to avoid sugar, salt, meat, milk, and so on. As a result, I almost ate nothing at that time. One night, I feel starved, so I went to the park to buy a corn and tea from the vendors. Two old men in the park started to talk to me. They are from Syria. Because of the war, they decided to escape from their home to the nearby country. They want to go back, but they have to wait for the end of the war.

I can not speak Arabic, so we communicated each other in simple English. Most of time, I can not understand what they said, just tried to guess. It was the first time that I felt the war is so close to me. Before I visited in Turkey, the words like war and refugees are distant concept for me. However, it turned to so true after the conversation with those people I met there.

I sat in the park with them. We looked at the ferry come and go to the Eminönü port together. Sometimes we talked, sometimes we just stayed quiet.

And it seems like we are waiting for the unknown future.

(to be continued...)

